Asia, Diet, fitness, gym, Health, ho chi minh, Nutrition, saigon, Training, travel, vietnam, Weight loss

Vietnam – Mach’s gym Saigon


In the busy city centre of Saigon (Ho chi Minh), we found Mach’s gym tucked away and very poorly signposted, even Google maps had a hard time finding it. We eventually reached it onlooking a playing field just off the main road. First impressions were positive as it was a big open room and fairly new equipment.


The gym was not overly busy, it is primarily taken up with resistance machines and CV equipment with a couple of racks on the far wall (in front of the mirrors so the posers can view themselves as they drink water all session and maybe do a little work between drinks).

Was a great little gym to use while passing through this city, clean, up to date equipment and great value for day rate as opposed to some of the gyms we researched in the city. Nice selection of weights to ensure the muscles get a good tearing no matter what level of fitness or strength you are. All the usual resistance machines you can expect to find and the dumbbells ascend up to 40kg, which is nothing to be sniffed at.

Recommend using as a no-frills gym in Saigon

Google Maps: Click here
Tel: (08)62751196

Price: Download Global Gyms App FREE for Prices.
Opening hours: Download Global Gyms App FREE, for times.

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