Diet, fitness, gym, Health, Nutrition, Training, travel, Weight loss

Can you loose weight putting it on?

Mass Gainers, I thought I’d experiment.
“You have to spend time bulking and then shred it off”
Mass gainers are high calorie protein shakes averaging around 1000Kcals (1232Kcals per shake in this case) designed to help put on weight, muscle in an ideal world.
I want to know why? Is this purely because bodybuilders use this technique and focus on mostly isolation hypertrophy? This would explain why they put on excess fat!
I decided rather than constantly reading about this I want to test this theory, so I purchased a Mass gainer from a reputable brand ‘Olympic Nutrition’ and planned a 6 week test to see if I could maintain muscle mass or even gain muscle, whilst taking off fat. I have used purely whey and casein for this before and found that although I lost fat, I also lost muscle mass as my workouts increased and due to busy life schedule I could not always get enough calories… it led me to try this…
I’m not an advocate of crash diets or anything that I would not do long term, why would I want to just eat soup for 6 weeks then go back to eating fuller diet, its seems crazy to me (I agree that you will lose weight, but of course eating very little will lose you weight, we can leave the calculator out of it for that one).
I am still going to consume around 3500/4000 Kcals each day and front loading (reducing carb intake in the evening) after around 8pm but pretty much still eating as normal and taking the high calorie shakes after training (please note that I will only be using half doses which is still 616 Kcals a time and will last me the 6 weeks).
I will be training the same way I always do, at least once per day (including deadlifts, squats, sparring, accessory works and plyometric), cardio (15-20 mins) in the morning at least 3 times per week on amino acids or leucine to avoid tissue breakdown.
This is the first part of the 6 week test and I will post
the before, during and after pictures on completion.
Please ask away if there is anything you would like to know or have done a similar exercise you can share.
Stay tuned for results and measurement which I will post on completion….if you even read this far

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